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John P. Willis

Opinions presented here are held in all of my roles and capacities, both personal and professional.


Politics: Leftist (AnCom)
Religion: Militantly Atheist
Occupation: Software Engineer
Preferences: View

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English Notable Kin
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Version: 3.1
GCS/E/G/H/IT/L/MU/P/SS d-- s+: a+ C++++ UBLAVHS++++$ P+ L++ E++ W+++$ N+ o? 
K- w++ O+++ M V+++>$ PS+++ PE-- Y+ !PGP t+++ !5 !X R tv b+++ DI++ D--- G e 
h---- r+++ x++++

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English Notable Kin

I have multiple connections to the English royals. They are as follows:

The John de Botetourte Line

Establishes a line to the house of Plantagenet through Edward I

  1. John Perkins Willis
  2. Karen Perkins
  3. Donald Roderick Perkins
  4. Alfred Manchester Perkins
  5. Ethel Bradlee Manchester
  6. Alfred Manchester
  7. Phebe Taber Coggeshall
  8. John Horswell Coggeshall
  9. Simeon Horswell Coggeshall
  10. Josiah Coggeshall
  11. Hannah Cornell
  12. Hannah Thurston
  13. Abigail Clarke
  14. Latham Clarke
  15. Jeremy Clarke
  16. William Clerke
  17. James Clerke
  18. George Clerke
  19. Elizabeth Ferrers
  20. Henry Ferrers
  21. Elizabeth Freville
  22. Joyce de Botetourte
  23. John de Botetourte
  24. Thomas de Botetourte
  25. John de Botetourte
  26. Edward I Plantagenet

The Elizabeth Ferrers Line

Establishes a line to Lady Jane Grey

  1. John Perkins Willis
  2. Karen Perkins
  3. Donald Roderick Perkins
  4. Alfred Manchester Perkins
  5. Ethel Bradlee Manchester
  6. Alfred Manchester
  7. Phebe Taber Coggeshall
  8. John Horswell Coggeshall
  9. Simeon Horswell Coggeshall
  10. Josiah Coggeshall
  11. Hannah Cornell
  12. Hannah Thurston
  13. Abigail Clarke
  14. Latham Clarke
  15. Jeremy Clarke
  16. William Clerke
  17. James Clerke
  18. George Clerke
  19. Elizabeth Ferrers
  20. Henry Ferrers
  21. Thomas Ferrers
  22. William Ferrers, Baron of Groby
  23. Henry Ferrers, Baron of Groby
  24. Elizabeth Ferrers, Baroness of Groby
  25. John Grey of Groby
  26. Thomas Grey, 1st Marquess of Dorset
  27. Thomas Grey, 2nd Marquess of Dorset
  28. Henry Grey, 1st Duke of Suffolk
  29. Lady Jane Grey

The rest of my royal relations have been built from these lines of descent.

Royal House Monarch Reign Relation to John Willis
SAXON Egbert 827-839
Aethelwulf 839-856
Aethelbald 856-860
Aethelbert 860-866
Aethelred I 866-871
Alfred the Great 871-899
Edward the Elder 899-924
Aethelstan 924-939
Edmund 939-946
Eadred 946-955
Eadwig 955-959
Edgar 959-975
Edward the Martyr 975-978
Aethelred II the Unready 978-1016
Edmund II Ironside 1016
Canute the Dane 1016-1035
Harold I 1035-1040
Harthacanute 1040-1042
Edward the Confessor 1042-1066
Harold II 1066
NORMAN William I the Conqueror 1066-1087
William II 1087-1100
Henry I Beauclerc 1100-1135 28th great-grandfather
Stephen 1135-1154
PLANTAGENET Henry II 1154-1189 26th great-grandfather
Richard I the Lionheart 1189-1199 26th great-uncle
John 1199-1216 25th great-grandfather
Henry III 1216-1272 24th great-grandfather
Edward I 1272-1307 23rd great-grandfather
Edward II 1307-1327 23rd great-uncle
Edward III 1327-1377 1st cousin 23x removed
Richard II 1377-1399
LANCASTER Henry IV 1399-1413
Henry V 1413-1422
Henry VI 1422-1461
YORK Edward IV 1461-1483 5th cousin 19x removed
Edward V 1483 6th cousin 18x removed
Richard III 1483-1485 5th cousin 19x removed
TUDOR Henry VII 1485-1509 husband of 6th cousin 18x removed
Henry VIII 1509-1547 7th cousin 17x removed
Edward VI 1547-1553
Jane1 1553 6th cousin 14x removed
Mary I "Bloody Mary" 1553-1558 8th cousin 16x removed
Elizabeth I2 1558-1603 8th cousin 16x removed
STUART (ORIGINAL) James I 1603-1625
Charles I 1625-1649 17th cousin 13x removed
INTERREGNUM Oliver Cromwell 1653-1658
Richard Cromwell 1658-1659
STUART (RESTORED) Charles II 1660-1685 18th cousin 12x removed
James II 1685-1688
William III/Mary II 1689-1702 (William)
1689-1694 (Mary)
Anne 1702-1714
HANOVER George I 1714-1727 19th cousin 11x removed
George II 1727-1760 20th cousin 10x removed
George III 1760-1820 22nd cousin 8x removed
George IV 1820-1830
William IV 1830-1837
Victoria 1837-1901 24th cousin 6x removed
SAXE-COBURG AND GOTHA Edward VII 1901-1910 25th cousin 5x removed
WINDSOR George V 1910-1936 26th cousin 4x removed
Edward VIII 1936
George VI 1936-1952 27th cousin 3x removed
Elizabeth II 1952-Present 28th cousin 2x removed

  1. Jane (Lady Jane Grey) was not technically a member of the House of Tudor.
  2. Elizabeth I's claim to the throne was contested by Mary, Queen of Scots, who is my 9th cousin 15x removed.

Revision History
$Log: index.shtml,v $
Revision 1.8  2019/09/05 00:50:05  jpw
Add license
Revision 1.7  2019/09/03 03:23:08  jpw
Add sidebar
Revision 1.6  2019/08/29 16:08:37  jpw
Fix TITLE tag
Revision 1.5  2018/05/17 14:19:57  jpw
Add revision history

Copyright © 2018 John P. Willis
Last modified $Date: 2019/09/05 00:50:05 $

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$Id: index.shtml,v 1.8 2019/09/05 00:50:05 jpw Exp $

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.