Examples of ZMESSAGE

All of the following examples issue ZMESSAGE from Direct Mode where exception conditions do not invoke $ZTRAP. ZMESSAGE allows you to feed an undefined message number back into GT.M to try and determine the message and/or mnemonic associated with it.


          GTM>ZMESSAGE 340
          %SYSTEM-F-IVLOGNAM, invalid logical name

This ZMESSAGE does not specify substitution text and the message does not include any FAO directives.


        GTM>ZMESSAGE 150372994
        %GTM-E-GVUNDEF, Global Variable undefined:

The message specified by this ZMESSAGE command includes an FAO !AD directive but the command does not supply any text.


        GTM>ZMESSAGE 150373850:"x"
        %GTM-E-GVUNDEF, Undefined local variable: x        

This ZMESSAGE command supplies the substitution text for the message.

VMS treats odd-numbered conditions as "successful." GT.M handles successful conditions by displaying the associated message and continuing execution. VMS treats even-numbered conditions as failures. GT.M handles failure conditions by storing the error information in $ZSTATUS and XECUTEing $ZTRAP or by terminating if $ZTRAP="". In Direct Mode, GT.M only reports failure conditions to the principal device and does not XECUTE $ZTRAP or set $ZSTATUS. For more information on error handling, refer to "Error Processing".